No experience, no worries, how to get a job with little or no experience.

Entering the world of work is exciting, but at the same time, it can be a bit frustrating for you. Nowadays most recruiters are looking for job candidates with experience, and for you a first-time employee it can be very frustrating. With you having little experience or no experience at all, you are stuck in a nightmare loop where you need experience to gain experience, and you do not really know what to do. In a normal world, recruiters must not be asking for experience for entry-level jobs or recent students. In this ab search with article, we will help you land a job with little or no experience at all.

Easy access experience

So, the jobs you want require experience and there is no way for you to get that experience but to get employed, puzzling isn’t it. Well, there is a way around this puzzle and that is gaining what we call an “easy access experience”.  Ultimately, the goal here is to play the long game and build a road to the job you want. Easy access experience helps you in gaining the skills and exposure you need for that job you want.

How to gain easy access experience

Conduct a personal project

Personal projects are any project or endeavor related to your job. You do this project to showcase and gain the skills necessary for that dream job of yours. An example is if you are looking for a web developer job. You can build your own website, in that case, you get to showcase your skills and also gain hands-on experience simultaneously.

For instance, maybe you want to be an Accountant. You can offer accounting services to your family members or small businesses like tuck shops, or vendors to showcase your skills. Ultimately, any project you complete that is related to your job type will help you in gaining the appropriate skills and experience necessary for you to get employed. Therefore, don’t just sit at home, do something.

Do online professional courses

The other thing you can do is conduct online courses. Professional courses give you an insight into how the real world of work operates. They give you a deep dive into the practical ways of work and also give you an edge in job hunting. There are hundreds of online courses websites out there to choose from, But Coursera and Udacity are some of the best of the bunch. Look for a professional course that matches your job field on these websites and you will be able to enhance your skills increasing your odds of getting that accounting job you want so much.


Yes, we all want to be paid for our work, but volunteering can really help you land a job. Volunteering involves offering your services to various projects without expecting any compensation. Furthermore, volunteering will give you insight and experience into the corporate world. In the end, being in a work environment will help you in work conduct and how to handle yourself in the presence of authority. So, reach out to businesses and NGOs, and tell them you are looking for volunteering jobs to gain experience.


Freelancing gigs will give you the experience you need in the job market. Online freelancing will help you utilize and showcase your skills which will help strengthen your CV. There are a lot of freelancing sites out there examples are and Upwork.

Apply for internships

Well, this is one of the most powerful ways to gain job experience and strengthen your CV. Internships give you the biggest edge in job hunting and will get you that job experience you lack. Many companies offer internship programmes each year and each week Career digest publishes internship opportunities that are available.

That’s it, folks, I don’t know if you have noticed this article was for showing you how to get a job with no experience. However, in the end, we showed you how to gain experience by yourself quickly. Nowadays experience is a big deal to recruiters. The only way for you to get around it is by you not being idle. Show initiative and make the necessary steps for you to be the best candidate for the job.

In conclusion, playing a long game is necessary at times. Take the necessary steps needed for you to acquire that job. Trust me showing initiative, preparation, and hard work always pay off. For more information on entry-level jobs and experience, you can check this article here. Good luck.