Why your CV is being rejected and how to avoid it.

If you are reading this, I am sure you are familiar with the job-hunting struggle. Looking for a job is difficult, stressful, and anxiety-triggering. In my experience, all this stems from writing a CV. CV writing is a nightmare. Every time it seems like you never get it right. It’s like there is always that one little thing you are missing or doing wrong.

So, why is CV writing important in job searching, and why does it have to be done in a certain way? The answer has to do with CV filtering programs, and something called keywords. Head scratch worthy huh, well let me explain further. In the modern world everything is done digitally, and so is recruitment. Nowadays your CV needs to pass through a job application filter called an Applicant Tracking System.

Recruitment involves going through thousands of applications. Filtering the good ones from the bad ones and this process has proven to be cumbersome and time-consuming. Hence, to make the process so much easier, the process was automated. Consequently, the ATS system was introduced. The ATS system is very helpful and saves a lot of time for the recruiters, however for us applicants, it’s not so good. You see, the way the system works is that it is fed a set of instructions for what it looks for in good applications. If you fail to meet those criteria then your applications would have failed.

If your CV is formatted in an unusual way. The application might fail to read some parts of the CV properly and deem the application unworthy. Also, if your CV has no keywords the employer wants, the application will think you are not a good fit for the job. All these seemingly little problems will lead to well-qualified individuals missing out on a job opportunity. Which is kind of unfair, but it is what it is. So, where does this leave us, applicants? Well, we have to adapt and play the APS game. Today we are going to look at how we can write the CVs the right way, the ATS way.

Use the right/basic formatting

When writing your CV you must consider making use of basic formatting. This means using a basic font like Arial, Times New Roman, or Georgia. Make use of bullet points for important lists and also write legibly leaving.

Submit a tailored CV

Always make sure your CV is tailor-made according to the job you are applying for. For each job, there are different requirements, and it is best for you to make sure that your CV meets those requirements. Apart from jobs being different, companies are also not the same, different cultures and strategies call for different recruitment policies. Two companies offering the same job can have different requirements hence it is good practice for you to tailor-make your CV according to their requirements. So, understand the job description and also visit the recruiter`s website and find out what their values and culture are.

Use the right keywords

Keywords are important in CV writing. Having the wrong keywords will result in your CV being left out by the system and you missing out on that job opportunity you have always been waiting for. Study the job description posted by the recruiter. Use the language and keywords used in the job description to highlight your skills on your application. You can also look at other similar jobs and add those keywords to your CV to make it more relevant.

Use basic language/Grammar

It’s ironic, isn’t it? we always say that your CV needs to be unique however here we are telling you to use basic language or grammar. Of course, creativity is good it makes your CV unique, and that involves using font, grammar, and less traditional means to differentiate yourself from the pack. However, this may not be recognized by the system, or it might confuse the system resulting in your application being rejected. So, the best way is to use basic language and technical terms in your CV to get your application accepted by the APS system.

In conclusion, CV writing is difficult, especially in the modern job market. The best way to succeed is to understand the assignment and be what the employer is looking for. Follow these steps by the book and I m sure you will get that job interview you are yearning for.